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Amora - (Enchantress)

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Amora - (Enchantress) Empty Amora - (Enchantress)

Mensagem  tak sakaguchi Sex Fev 06, 2009 6:07 pm

The Enchantress (Amora) is a character in the Marvel Comics universe. A powerful sorceress, she is one of the most notable antagonists of Thor. Unlike many of Marvel's Asgardians, she is not an actual goddess from mythology. Some theorize, however, that she is based on the Norse goddess Freyja[1]. The current Thor series notes the Enchantress was once known as the goddess Iðunn who picked the golden apples for the other Asgardians, among other names.
The Enchantress' first appearance in the Marvel Universe took place in Journey Into Mystery #103.Amora - (Enchantress) Image1sh0Amora - (Enchantress) Amora07022009km4
tak sakaguchi
tak sakaguchi

Mensagens : 1113
Data de inscrição : 09/11/2008

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